
Postpartum hit me like a ton of bricks. While pregnant, I felt like I was totally prepared for it . After Lia was born, however, I felt extremely underprepared for postpartum. Nobody ever talks about it... the soreness, the tearing, the struggles,  the sleeplessness, the soft empty body. Everybody thinks women should switch back to their pre-pregnancy bodies right after their kids are born. No! It is an outdated notion! Becoming a mother is an evolution. I am not my former self anymore, so why should my body be? I am still trying to understand this concept, I am still going through this change. “Breastfeed more often. Eat less carbs. You should wear the postpartum belly wrap.” I keep thinking what ridiculous comments to put on a new mom. Moms cry over many things like sore body, blistered nipples, backache, sleeplessness, sick baby, but never over their postpartum body...  it is the last thing they think of, but people keep reminding us constantly about it. POSTPARTUM BODY WILL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS PEOPLE WISH THEY WERE, BUT IT IS PERFECT FOR THE MOM AND FOR THE NEWBORN BABY. Keep it in your mind.


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